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A New Book About Finding Your Place

The Shapeless Shape is a seemingly simple story about a world of shapes where circles, squares, and rectangles go to school to learn what they can become.

But there is one shape — a shapeless shape — that just doesn’t fit.

This is the story of the Shapeless Shape’s journey, and a struggle we all experience from childhood to adulthood: the challenge of finding a place where our talents, uniqueness, and creativity can shine. The illustrations are brought to life through colorful, wooden pieces and the entire book is designed for adults & kids of any age or gender to see themselves in the story.

The Authors

Victor Saad is the Founder of Experience Institute, a Chicago-based education company helping college and grad students learn through real-world experiences.

David Kelley is a father, maker, founder of IDEO, a global design consultancy, and founder of the Stanford d.school.

Victor & David first met in 2013 and bonded over their interest to help students flourish. They began working together on this book to create a simple and creative way to invoke conversations about the way we all design our paths, grow our creativity, and find our place.

“But I want to read it agaaaainnn...”
Hazel, 5 • Logan, Utah

“We didn’t just fall in love with The Shapeless Shape, the book was a way to teach my son about shapes of all types and how they’re all around us.”
Amie, mother of Yuri, 10 • Riyadh, Saudia Arabia

“I love it.”
Luke, 4 • Wheaton, Illinois

“My daughter Audrey enjoys giving the shapeless shape any name or pronoun. She becomes part of the story from the very beginning.”
Katie, mother of Audrey, 4 • Chicago, Illinois

Ford, 3 • Chicago, Illinois

Thank You

On October 19th, 2017, over 600 amazing individuals from around the world helped us fund this project on Kickstarter. Hooray!

Press Kit

Interested in featuring a story about the book & Kickstarter?

Download our media kit below, including photos, sneak peeks, and shareable photos and quotes.

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